tisdag 21 april 2015

Dags för förändring

Nu har man inte skrivit ett tag inser jag nu när jag kikar i bloggen.. Men man glömmer lätt av..

Förr var Melwin en liten nattmänniska, och han vaknade oftast efter var 3:e timme. Men nu har han äntligen vänt på dygnet och brukar sova från kl 22.00 och ca 08.00 brukar han vela ha lite mer mat och sedan sover han vidare tills klockan är ca 11.00 - 13.00.. Det är så skönt att äntligen få börja sova ut igen efter all slit som vart!

Har dock börjat känna av hur all slit har tagit hårt på mig, så det är så skönt att jag äntligen får sova ut längre om nätterna! Smiley grin Är så himla glad att det blev en förändring, det tog tid.. trodde nästan han aldrig skulle sluta vara vaken om nätterna! Smiley smile Ne, nu får jag nog passa på o sova lite, han vaknar ju vid ca 08.00 igen Smiley smile
Godnatt alla faceare och bloggare! Smiley grin

Jag älskar dig så mycket Melwin, du är den jag brinner för.
Du är mitt ljus i mörkret! <3

En helt vanlig dag ute i det fina & varma vädret

//Nathalie (Nt3)

måndag 16 mars 2015

This is my eufori

Varje ögonblick jag får

Check my youtube channel please pretty please??

Maybe I should start to write in English instead?!

Hey, I'm a girl who's passion is to evolve as a singer.. Yet I haven't got that far and it can be really hard to become a celebrity just like that.. But some day, I will get that contract I'm searching for!..

Please listen to this video, I just have to warn you that my voice was really tired when I did this video (and you're gonna hear it to, so thats no big a deal I hope)?!?

It's reorded by an ordinary camera so please have  forgiveness for that.. Sadly, It isn't recorded in a studio, It would've sound much better if it was recorded in a real studio.. Think I have to get my own studio equipment so I can start to do some real music to!?! Wish you all readers and listeners the best!! Sweet dreams..  //Ntali3

If you have some tips?
Please write to my Facebook or my Email/Google account:

Get it right (Cover) - Nathalie Lönn
To hear better, listen through headphones

For more videos, klick on the link below

~My Channel

My sweet sweet angel

It doesn't exist someone who's more beautifuler than you my beloved Melwin.
Sure you have your bad moments like staying up at night, but you also have your best moments who makes me so crazy in you, I'm so in loved with you my sweet sweet angel.. I don't care if you won't fall asleep until the clock is 04.00 in the morning.. You're the best thing I could ever ask for! Haha, I could easily write things about you for hours.. But the clock is to much, and sometimes I also have to date the pillow.. I'll never regret that I've giving birth to you my child. My sweet sweet angel. I love you so much Melwin! <3 <3 <3

~You were worth all the pain you cased me, I finally understand life for real this time! <3 <3 <3 ''You can't understand life until you're giving birth''

söndag 15 mars 2015

My bellowed Melwin

I can't yet understand what miracle i've been through, what I actually have been creating, what actually has been in my stomach all the time.. An innocent little cute baby was born 15-01-13  12:41, head circumference 33 cm, high 49 cm and his weight was 3065g..

It's so crazy how it's done, being pregnant and let a little foster grow inside of you and then when he/she is born, he/she is successfully developed, from topp to toe..

I'm so proud of me who has been honored to be a mother to this little cutie!! He has been growing about 8 cm since he was born!! Hehe, he aims to become a big and strong boy! :D Sorry for how boring I'm writing, but I really have to get some sleep now before little Melwin awakes and needs some more food for the night!! Have a wonderful day now everybody!

Pictures from today when mum, aunt and little Melwin bathed.

You're really mums finest treasure, made by my own flesh and blood.. 
I never thought I could love somebody so much as I love you Melwin <3
~This is my eufori

Welcome to my new blogg..

Hey happy people out there, how's goin tonight??
My name is Nathalie and Im a 20 years soon 21 and I've just become a mother to the cutest boy named by Melwin who was born 15-01-13. Yep, what should I've write about now at this time?? I have to admit that it was a long time ago since I blogged.. As you all would understand, this blog will mostly be about my baby, Melwin! <3 <3

Have a great day
Peace out //Ntali3